Overglazes n Special effects -Page 2
"Ready-to-Paint" "We'll Show You How!.. You'll LOVE the results"

For creating a variety of special effects,
including texturing and antiquing looks.
SY547 Wax Resist 2 oz. $Email for availability

Wax resist is a wax emulsion especially created to repel underglazes n glazes applied over it.
The wax burns off during firing, revealing designs or base colors.
How to use Wax Resist
1. Shake jar and stir well.
2. Always dampen brush or sponge thoroughly with Duncan Brush Cleaner and squeeze
.....out excess before loading with Wax Resist.
3. Apply 1 good coat of Wax Resist over greenware, bisque, underglaze or glaze.
4. Allow Wax Resist to dry thoroughly before proceeding with technique.
5. Gently remove excess color from resist areas with a dampened sponge before firing.
6. Fire greenware to shelf cone 04.
7. Remove any loose perticles of fired underglaze with stiff brush before glazing.
.....Glaze fire to shelf cone 06.
8. Clean brush in Brush Cleaner and rinse in warm water immediately after use.
.....Wipe rim of jar and inside of lid, then close tightly.
6. Always refer to label instructions for proper application and usage.
1. For underglaze designs, apply base coat of underglaze color to greenware.
.....Paint design with Wax Resist over base coat.
.....When design is thoroughly dry, apply contrasting color over the ware.
.....Bisque fire to shelf cone 04.
.....After bisque firing, remove loose underglaze particles with a stiff brush before glazing.
2. For glaze designs, paint designs with Wax Resist directly on
.....shelf cone 04 bisque or over 3 coats of dry, unfired glaze applied to shelf cone 04 bisque.
.....When Wax Resist is dry, apply 1 coat of a second glaze color over the ware.
.....Fire to shelf cone 06.
SY547Patch-A-Tatch 2 oz. $Email for availability

This quality ceramic cement is used to attach or repair greenware or bisque.
How to use Patch-A-Tatch
1. Gently scratch crisscross lines on areas to be joined.
2. Using a soft brush, moisten scored areas or broken edges with water.
.....Use the same brush to apply a good coat of Patch-A-Tatch to these areas.
3. Quickly attach or fit the pieces together and hold securely for a few seconds.
4. Brush a little Patch-A-Tatch over the joint and, when set and thoroughly dry,
.....scrape, sand, sponge or otherwise finish, N the piece is ready for decorating or firing.
5. Clean up with water.
This water-based formula protects design areas or colors where applied,
making application of background or adjoining colors faster and easier.
SY548 Mask 'n Peel
2oz. $Email for availability

Mask 'n Peel can be used under or between opaque underglazes,
glazes or nonfired acrylic colors, and under translucent underglazes.
Just brush it on, let dry, paint and peel!
1. Always dampen brush or sponge thoroughly with Duncan Brush Cleaner n
....squeeze out excess before loading with Mask ' Peel to desired areas.
2. Apply one good coat of Mask 'n Peel to desired areas.
3. Allow Mask 'n Peel to dry thoroughly before applying color over it.
....Heavy applications tend to dry on the surface before drying underneath.
....When this occurs, Mask 'n Peel peels off in layers.
....For this reason, any heavy areas should be checked for traces of Mask 'n Peel
....before proceeding with the technique.
4. When removing, lift the corner of the masked area with a tool or fingernail,
....and use fingertips to roll the mask toward the area rather than away from it.
....In this way, the mask can usually be removed in one peice.
....However, always check for any small particles that may be left behind.
5. Always use Mask 'n Peel in a well-ventilated area.
6. Clean brush in Brush Cleaner and rinse in warm water immediately after use.
....If Mask 'n Peel should accidentally dry in the brush before it can be cleaned,
....soak in Antiquing Solvent or mineral spirits to loosen residue, then wash in warm,
....soapy water to complete cleaning. Wipe rim of jar and inside of lid, then close tightly.
1. For underglaze designs:
....Apply base coat of opaque underglaze color to greenware.
....Paint design with Mask 'n Peel over base coat.
....When design is thoroughly dry, apply contrasting color over the ware.
....While color is still slightly damp, lift corner of masked area and peel off.
....Simple design work can be done with just one application of Mask 'n Peel.
....More colorful designs can be acheived with additional layers of Mask 'n Peel n color
....(except translucent underglazes) as long as the mask is removed after each color application.
2. For glaze designs:
....Paint a design with Mask 'n Peel directly on shelf cone 04 bisque or
....over 3 coats of dry, unfired glaze applied to witness cone 04 bisque.
....When mask is dry, apply one coat of a second glaze color, then remove mask
....while glaze is still slightly damp. As with underglazes, successive applications
....of Mask 'n Peel and 1 coat of glaze can be used.
3. For nonfired color designs:
....apply Mask 'n Peel directly to bisque for protection of areas while applying
....adjoining colors or apply over a base-coat color.
....When mask is dry, apply the adjoining or second color, then remove mask
....while color is still slightly damp. Repeat as desired.