Twelve Days of Christmas.. Decorative Ceramic Bisque"CANVASES" - Streamers Country Ceramics -
"Ready-to-Paint" "We'll Show You How!.. You'll LOVE the results"
Print these out if you would like to use them. Click on for a larger view
Deck the halls and delight your family and friends with splendid holiday homemade crafts..
Fraktur painting, practiced by Pennsylvania German artists from the eighteenth through the
mid-nineteenth centuries, holds an honored place in the history of American arts. Combining pictorial motifs and elaborate calligraphic inscriptions, these distinctive designs served both as records of important family events and celebrations.. marriages and baptisms, for example.. and as handsome decorations for the home. Today, the term "fraktur" often is applied to any painted design that shows the same artful mix of text and illustration.
Paint pictures individually on a Set of Mugs or
12 Tree Ornaments. Place in a ring on a large platter or
circle a vase.
Just have Fun with these simple designs, using.. Reds, Dark Greens, and Gold colors..
A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Two Turtledoves
Three French Hens
Four calling Birds
Five gold Rings
Six Geese A-Laying
Seven Swans A-Swimming
Eight Maids A-Milking
Nine Ladies dancing
Ten Lords A-Leaping
Eleven Pipers piping
Twelve Drummers Drumming
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If we were all a little more like angels,
earth would be a little more like heaven.